Why go to an beauty salon?

Beauty comes first and foremost by the institute

To be beautiful, to remain young, to take care of oneself, these are universal concerns.

And yet nearly 90% of women say they do not go to an institute!

Do you know exactly what type of skin you have?

Do you know our beauticians Guinot, real Beauty Experts, can define it with you?

Your Doctor in Beauty offers you a privileged moment by taking the time to know your skin with a consultation where it will look with precision your cleansed skin, it will be able to establish with you your Objective Beauty and thus to advise you on the care and the adapted products.

A real alternative to aesthetic medicine, around universal issues such as the pursuit of youth or the search for thinness, care in institutes have visible results from the first session.

The Guinot Innovation is through unique and exclusive Beauty Treatments practiced with patented devices.


Why buy my Care Products in Beauty Salon?

The care follows a beauty prescription, allowing to extend the effects of home care.

Thanks to the determination of your Beauty Goal with your Beautician, you will be able to choose the products that are perfect for your skin.

Your Beautician takes into account your habits, your preferences of perfume and texture to choose with you the cream or the ideal serum. Finally she will show you the actions to adopt to apply it and optimize the effects.


What types of services are offered in an institute?

The Guinot brand offers a wide range of skincare and skincare products.

For the face, manual or Hydradermie treatments are offered for exceptional skin cleansing results with anti-aging firmness.

For the body, slimming and relaxation are the specialties of the brand. The Technispa device, thanks to its double palpé rolled, offers visible results from the first session.

Finally, in hair removal, the applied resins have been designed to combine comfort and effectiveness and anti-regrowth products can slow down the growth and fight against ingrown hairs.




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